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How to use AnswerThePublic for travel and tourism keywords

If you’re looking for how to find travel and tourism keywords, then it sounds like your travel website is open for business.

The question now is how to get people to find your website. With the right keywords, you could see an uptick of traffic from your target audience.

More visitors to your site who are interested in what you have to offer = more business for you.

Just think: knowing what Americans or Australians or South Africans are searching for, and being able to write the kinds of content that brings them straight to you.

That’s the power of a good travel and tourism keyword.

The only question that remains:

How do you actually find the right keywords for your business?

We’ve got the answer for you today, along with our new favorite free tool for finding travel and tourism keywords: AnswerThePublic.

Just What Are Travel And Tourism Keywords Anyway?

Keywords are based on the way people search for answers on search engines like Google and Bing. Mastering these keywords for travel and tourism means a cost-effective and consistent way to get your target audience to your website.

There are a variety of businesses that can benefit from using travel and tourism keywords. These businesses can range from hotels and resorts to airlines and tour operators. By creating a content strategy and arming it with the keywords their audience is searching for, businesses can increase their visibility and attract more customers. 

How Keywords Help Tourists Find Information

So when do travelers actually start searching for information on their trip? At a number of moments along their Traveler’s Journey, but most often in the Dreaming, Planning, and Booking stages.

With the right tourism and travel keywords, you can help them find the information they’re looking for. 

Here are 5 examples of how keywords can help tourists find information:

  1. When planning a trip, tourists often start by searching for general information about their destination. Keywords can help them find the most relevant results.
  2. Tourists can use keywords to narrow down their search results and find specific information about attractions, hotels, restaurants, and more.
  3. Keywords can also help tourists find reviews and opinions from other travelers.
  4. If tourists are looking for deals on hotels or flights, they can use keywords to find the best deals.
  5. And finally, keywords can help tourists find last-minute information or changes to their plans.

5 Ways To Find Travel And Tourism Keywords

There are a number of popular ways to find travel and tourism keywords. Here are five of the most popular methods:

  1. Google AdWords Keyword Planner: The Google AdWords Keyword Planner is a popular and effective tool for finding travel and tourism keywords. If you’re just getting started out, though, it is not the most user-friendly among these tools.
  2. Google Trends: Google Trends is a useful tool for identifying popular keywords and phrases, as well as verifying where those trends are popular. If you are a Kenyan safari operator and you see that “East Africa backpacking” is trending in Europe but not in the US, you could create content specifically for Europeans.
  3. Google Search Console: Google Search Console is another helpful tool for identifying popular keywords and phrases. You can see what searches your website is showing up for along with the wordings people are using to find you (or almost find you). This also has a bit of a learning curve to it.
  4. Wordtracker: Wordtracker is a popular keyword research tool that can be used to find travel and tourism keywords with more sophistication than the previously mentioned tools. Unlike the other free keyword tools, this one also shows volume and competition, which can help to tell you how likely it is your website will show up in the search results for that term. Be careful: it does have a limit on free searches, so use them wisely!
  5. Keyword Discovery: Keyword Discovery is another powerful keyword research tool that can be used to find travel and tourism keywords. Their features include ranking terms by traffic and helping target the right keywords for your business. They do have a fairly robust free plan, as well as pro plans with even more power.

While these are great, we’ve stumbled on a tourism keyword research tool that is changing the game for travel websites.

Plus, it’s free!

Benefits of Using AnswerThePublic for travel and tourism keywords

If you’re in the travel or tourism industry, you know that keywords are essential to driving traffic to your website. And if you’re looking for new keywords, AnswerThePublic is a great place to start.

AnswerThePublic is a keyword research tool that allows you to see what questions people are asking about a certain topic. 

AnswerThePublic is a free keyword research tool that allows you to see what questions people are asking about your topic. This is valuable information that can help you create content that is relevant to your audience and will help you rank higher in search engines.

Higher search engine ranks = more people to your site = more bookings, guests, travelers, etc. = happier you.

In addition to helping you find new keywords, AnswerThePublic can also help you understand how people are searching for your keywords. This information can help you optimize your website for better search engine results.

Steps For Using AnswerThePublic for Travel and Tourism Keywords

Let’s work through a simple example of how a tourism and travel website can benefit from AnswerThePublic’s results. Today, we’re going to pretend we’re running the website for an Italian gelato shop.

To start, we want to know more about what people look for when they travel to Italy.

Our seed keywords in this example are going to be “Italy trip.” Thrilling choice, I know! 

Keep in mind when you enter the keyword that you also have the power to select where the search results are being analyzed from. I’m selecting the United States. You could also monitor people from the UK searching the same thing, or really, any other country. Just be careful to consider the languages those audiences might be searching in.

Step 2: Review the results and look for travel and tourism keywords 

From here, you can start seeing what kinds of questions people search for related to “Italy trip.” AnswerThePublic is awesome at helping break down search intent, or the reason people are searching for these terms.

Look at these gems, each of which could make their own hearty blog post:

  • How to plan Italy trip
  • How expensive is an Italy trip
  • Italy trip for 10 days
  • Italy trip for couples
  • Italy trip by train
  • Italy trip November

Now, whether these are the right things for an Italian gelato shop to blog about to get people in and sampling their gelato, I’ll let you decide.

The point is this: rather than guessing what to write about to get traffic to your tourism and travel website, you now have actual data and questions that people from your target audience are using.

Step 3: Export the results into a CSV file 

While the visualizations that AnswerThePublic offer are delightful (and screenshot worthy!), don’t forget to hit the “Download CSV” button to get all the data in beautiful rows and columns. 

At some point, you will need to get more serious about tracking all the great content you’re writing, and having the data in an easy-to-organize format is a good start.

Limitations For This Free Travel and Tourism Keyword Tool

There are a few limitations or disadvantages to using Answer the Public. 

  1. Short Key Phrases – AnswerThePublic generates questions that people are asking, but it only generates them based on the phrases you enter into the search bar. That means you’ll need to have a general idea to start with, and it won’t help you if you’re looking to discover completely new areas to write about.
  2. Basic Results – While AnswerThePublic does generate a ton of results, they are often short, simple questions – and they are not backed by data. If you are hoping to rank the traffic or competitiveness of one keyword against another, you may need another tool.
  3. Limited Free Functionality – The free version of Answer the Public only allows you to 3 search reports per day. Depending on your needs, that could be enough to get a big chunk of useful keywords. If you need more, it might just be about coming back every day. It can be inconvenient, though, so you may need to consider their Pro plan.

Help Finding The Right Travel And Tourism Keywords For Your Travel Business

Congratulations – you made it! I hope this guide to finding travel and tourism keywords with AnswerThePublic wasn’t too painful.

Now that you’ve got plenty of ideas, it’s time to get on with the work of picking which words you’re going to focus on, then cranking out the content.

If you need a helping hand with the crafting of your content strategy, finding travel and tourism keywords, or improving your site’s ranking on Google, feel free to give Passport Creative a shout

We’ve been getting tour operators and hotels to the first page of Googleand to number 1! – for years, and we’d be happy to help you, too.

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